The Dudley Grant Story

Written by Cathryn O’Sullivan and Elsa Leo-Rhynie,
Illustrated by Rachel Moss
Edited by Cecille Maye Hemmings.
Published by Dudley Grant Memorial Trust

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Dudley Grant was born in Colombia in 1915.
Then moved to Jamaica with his parents to check out the scene. Dudley loved to play at school, and he especially loved cricket. He even played “stoolball” which used a smaller wicket.

Dudley Ransford Brandyce Grant, or D.R.B. Grant as most people called him, was born on September 15, 1915. His parents’ names were James and Annie Grant.
When Dudley grew up he wanted to see all children play.
So he became a teacher and he used play every day.
He did his very best to make learning fun.
His students played inside and under the sun.

Dudley attended The Mico Teachers’ College. He also studied in England and the USA.
Dudley didn’t want to help only children in his school,
He wanted all teachers everywhere to make learning cool.
So he asked for some help from a great company,
Who agreed to support this special man, Dudley.

Dudley received funding money for a Project for Early Childhood Education (PECE) from the Bernard van Leer Foundation in the Netherlands.
They worked with teachers, parents and the community,
To make learning fun for children, just like you and me.
Knowing babies love to play, Dudley helped their families see,
That learning while playing was great. Wouldn’t you agree?

Dudley started the Project for the Advancement of Childhood Education (PACE).
Everyone respected Dudley; full of zest and doing his best.
People round the world invited him to visit and be their guest.
Dudley told them about how special Jamaican children are,
And soon many people knew him. Dudley became a star!
Dudley helped a lot of people and also won many awards.
He made kids see the world was theirs, waiting to be explored.
Even though Dudley Grant is no longer alive,
We can honour him by helping all children to thrive.

Dudley died on August 25, 1988. The Dudley Grant Memorial Trust was established in 1989 to honour Dudley by continuing to work for children and education.